Australia’s Justin Bieber?

22 09 2012

Perhaps I’m behind a bit here but I just stumbled across Australian pop star, Cody Simpson, today in the entertainment section of 24 hrs Vancouver. I’m not usually one to cover entertainment stories or celebrity news but this article caught my attention and got me musing. My first thought about this 15-year-old star: “Have we got a new Justin Bieber?”

Now I will admit, I’ve never had even the slightest case of the so-called “Bieber Fever” and so my reaction to a similar young celebrity is probably going to be tainted by past experience. But it seems these young stars all have the same things to say, the same perfect face, and a following of young fans numbering in the millions.

From the cynical side of things one has to ask: What exactly does a 15-year-old really know about dating and relationships anyways? How can they really advise an inspired fan on how to achieve goals? Can someone so young really live up to the adoration and expectations set upon them or are they being set up for a fall?

But on the other hand, I congratulate the young man. He has done well and succeeded in an area that millions can only dream about. He has a lot on his plate to work through and it can’t be easy. Lots of life adjustments and different relationships and people to cater to, so good luck Cody!

And one has to appreciate the cliché, “happily ever after”, advice he gives to other young dreamers: “Always be yourself…listen to your heart”

Perhaps every country needs a Bieber.



One response

29 09 2012

This comment isn’t specifically about this post — I just want to tell you how much I love all of your entries!

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